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Low FODMAP Schär Products

Embarking on a low FODMAP diet can be a game-changer for individuals dealing with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a condition that often brings discomfort and pain. Understanding and managing FODMAPs (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols) becomes essential in this journey.

Luckily, Schär, a brand known for its gluten-free offerings, has taken a step further. Some of their delectable products have undergone testing and certification by Monash University, making them suitable for those following a low FODMAP diet.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the low FODMAP options that Schär has to offer, providing a delicious and stomach-friendly alternative for those navigating the complexities of IBS. Let’s dive into a world where dietary choices meet digestive well-being.


  • Maestro Classic - 2 slices (54g)
  • Maestro Cereale - 2 slices (54g)
  • Maestro Vital - 2 slices (58g)
  • Landbrot - 2 slices (110g)
  • Pane Casereccio ai semi - 2 slices (50g)
  • Super Sandwich/XL - 2 slices (94g)

Rolls and crispbreads

  • Kaisersemmel - 1 roll (58g)
  • Mini Baguette - 1 roll (75g)
  • Ciabattine - 1 roll (50g)
  • Ciabattine Rustiche - 1 roll (50g)
  • Baguette - 1 baguette (87g)
  • Mehrkornbrötchen - 1 roll (50g)
  • Panini Rolls - 1 roll (75g)
  • Hamburger - 1 roll (75g)
  • Crackers Pocket - 1 package (50g)
  • Fette Croccanti - 3 crispbreads (21g)
  • Knusperbrot Dunkel - 3 crispbreads (18g)
  • Crunchybread Vital - 3 slices (50g)


  • Grissini - 1 package - 10 grissini (50g)
  • Digestive Landtaler - 5 biscuits (50g)
  • Choco Chip Cookies - 3 biscuits (33g)
  • Crostini - 3 crostini (30g)
  • Crackers - 6 cracker (35g)
  • Crackers al rosmarino - 6 cracker (35g)
  • Saltí - 10 cracker (30g)
  • Curvies Paprika - approx. 10 chips (24g)
  • Curvies BBQ - approx. 10 chips (24g)
  • Salinis - 1 package (60g)

Pizza bases

  • Pizza Base - 1 pizza (150g)
